Monday, February 21, 2011

March Educators Luncheon on the Peninsula!

As Spring nears and our thoughts turn to preparation for the coming year at our churches, one thing we’ll be thinking about is teacher training.  Another is a change of scenery, so we're heading to the Peninsual for our Educators Luncheon in March!
Cynthia Geisert and Kristen Koger invite you to the Educators Luncheon on March 3, 12:00pm, at Yorkminster Presbyterian Church as they present “The Holiness of Teaching”.

This presentation will not be about programming or “10 ways to improve communication” or ...or …or …but rather a little spiritual deposit into the soul bank to inspire us in our educational activity.
Join us for this special time together at one of our Peninsula churches. Bring a bag lunch… Yorkminster will offer drinks, dessert, and wonderful hospitality. RSVP soon to Donna Rae Barrow, Resource Center Director, 757-397-7063 or

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