This book will enable contemporary interpreters and teachers, pastors, and laity to attend to the questions and understand the tensions that are always present as the church seeks to hold canon and creed together.
"…In this short book, Jenson renews our sense of shock that Scripture, creed, and theology could ever have become separated in the modern church. What is more, he teaches us how to reweave them, both by precept and by example," commented R. Kendall Soulen, Professor Systematic Theology, Wesley Theological Seminary.
Additions to this Interpretation series will focus on the Bible's most enduring passages and most vital themes, bringing to these topics the insight and faithful wisdom that are longtime Interpretation hallmarks. Planned titles include: The Ten Commandments, Eschatology, Violence in the Bible, Sacraments, Miracles, Women in the Bible, and many more. Check out the first in this series from the Resource Center!
The first in this new series was The Ten Commandments by Patrick D. Miller, which came out in August, 2009. I have not read that volume, but I am working my way through Canon and Creed and find it very interesting. Based on what I have read so far, I would recommend it.
Thanks for your comment, Bill! Let me know what you think of each of these titles when you finish.
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