Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Journeys Through Revelation: Apocalyptic Hope for Today

from the Horizons webpage...

2010–2011 Horizons Bible Study
Journeys Through Revelation
Apocalyptic Hope for Today

by Barbara R. Rossing
Suggestions for Leaders
by Louise Lawson Johnson
"What comes to mind when you think of the book of Revelation? Scary images? The four horsemen come to unleash destruction? Mysterious numbers such as “666”? The endtime battle of Armageddon? In recent years, an enormous prophecy industry has marketed frightening images of Revelation, leaving many people intimidated by this amazing and often misunderstood book. Although brimming with mysterious symbolism, Revelation ultimately is a book of hope that throughout history has sustained people who are oppressed. It is a wonderfully Christ centered book, full of worship and praise.

In the 2010–2011 Horizons Bible study, Journeys through Revelation: Apocalyptic Hope for Today, Barbara Rossing guides us on a journey to meet the crucified Lamb, Jesus. In a journey reminiscent of the ancient Israelites’ exodus from slavery, we are led from an unjust empire and its system of domination, through mythic battles and plagues, until, ultimately, we find ourselves in a renewed creation where God comes to live with us on earth. This brilliantly hope filled vision speaks to us in the midst of the urgent crises of our day. In a time when all of creation stands at a turning point, a kairos moment, Revelation can help guide the choices we make each day as we seek to live into the renewal that God has for the whole world."

This is sure to be a great study for the Presbyterian Women of PEVA!  When you visit the Horizons page on the PC USA  website, you'll find so many helpful resources for the women of your church as they embark on this journey.  These include: Workshop for Leaders, Suggestions for Leaders, Main Points Outline, Lesson Summaries, and much more.  Especially exciting this year, Barbara Rossing has recorded videos to introduce the study and each of its lessons.   View the videos on your computer to prepare for the Revelation study, or share them with your PW group as the opening to each of the lessons.  The PEVA Resource Center also has several titles to assist you in lesson preparation...  just contact Donna Rae Barrow to find out more!

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