Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sneak Peek...

Sshhhhh!  Don't tell anyone... I'm going to give you a sneak peek of our new Advent resources before the Educators Luncheon next Thursday...

Makin' Room in the Inn: Christmas Hospitality Through an African American Experience, by Henry Masters.

Makin' Room in the Inn is a four-lesson Advent study that celebrates Christmas traditions and practice through the perspective of an African American family.

Session titles, scriptures
1. Makin' Room (Luke 2:4-7) cultivating and living out hospitality in a diverse world
2. Makin' Do (Luke 2:21-24) trusting God as compared to trusting in wealth
3. Makin' Up (Matthew 2:19-21) learning the importance of forgiveness and reconnection
4. Makin' Time (Luke 2:15-19) understanding that the most precious gift is presence.

 Christmas Gifts that Won't Break
Advent studies for adults, youth, and children

This study explores how the gifts of the Advent season have a permanence that speaks to generations of youth past, present, and future.   What are the Christmas gifts that won’t break? They are those gifts that cannot be lost, that never go out of style, and that are independent of the chances and changes of life. They are the gifts that have been graciously given by God. 

 Meeting the Messiah: Scriptures for the Advent Season, by Kara Lassen Oliver.

Six weeks of short readings and guided reflections on scripture that help readers journey through Advent at a different pace and with a purposeful focus on the Christ child.  The readings tell the Advent story through the eyes of the Holy Spirit, John the Baptist, Mary, the shepherds, the Magi, and Jesus himself.  Readers step into the shoes of those who prepared for and encountered the Christ child, providing inspiration for their own encounters with Jesus this Advent.

The Christmas Countdown: Creating 25 Days of New Advent Traditions for Families

Advent is the season of preparation for our King, who came as a child over 2,000 years ago. The shepherds and wise men followed a star and their hearts to visit this new baby and present gifts that demonstrated their love. In a world and time that easily robs us of this profound joy of renewal at every turn, The Christmas Countdown provides devotional times with Scripture readings, and music and food with other fun family activities.  The book is tailored to help families prepare their hearts and homes for Christ's coming.

From Advent's Alleluia to Easter's Morning Light: Poetry for Worship, Study and Devotion, by Ann Weems.

Weems’s lyrical poetry is a reminder to us all of the importance of true discipleship. She challenges us to look past the ongoing distractions of the “busy work” of church meetings and socials, new programs and technology, and inevitable conflict, while reminding us in her singularly expressive voice that the “institution” of the church is, at heart, quite simply all about Jesus.

Ok, that's just a small glimpse of all the wonderful Advent materials available at the Resource Center... stop by and do some browsing as you prepare to celebrate the coming of the Christ child.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Contemplative Retreat in November

Some wonderful members of Naomi Makemie Presbyterian Church on the Eastern Shore shared with me the following information about an upcoming contemplative retreat.  Prayerfully consider freeing up your calendar on these days for some quiet, some creativity, some refreshment...
Seeking Wholeness Amidst Transition
An Eastern Shore Autumn Contemplative Retreat
November 13-14, 2010

With fall and the shortening days comes a natural turning within, 
a quieting, and perhaps also an awareness of what is shifting in our lives, 
or perhaps even ending.

Amidst the transitions that are part of any year’s cycle, 
there is also the desire to be reminded of that which is 
foundational and core for each of us, 
our “homeground.”

A contemplative retreat is a wonderful way to gently and safely enter into these questions.  During this weekend of quiet time, artwork, presentations, journaling, community, walks in nature, delicious meals, and more, we will explore:
    - Sensing and navigating transitions
    - Identifying our homeground, our sources of strength
    - Using vulnerability as a tool for all seasons of the spirit
    - Realizing wholeness is an ongoing dance among all the above. 

The location is the incomparable Cobb Island Station retreat center just north of Cape Charles.  This expansive and soulful facility offers a beautiful waterfront setting, grounds for strolling, a labyrinth, hot-tub, and very comfortable accommodations and meeting rooms. Limited accommodations are available for overnight lodging.  Spaces are also available for retreat participation during Saturday only, or during both Saturday and Sunday. 

Dates:   9:00am Saturday, November 13th, till 2:00pm Sunday, November 14th.

Registration deadline:  Tuesday November 2, 2010. 
Debbie Ryon 710-4661 or   

Full weekend, with overnight accommodation, materials and all meals: 
     Double:  $225  Private:  $275  
Saturday only, materials & meals through dinner, no overnight accommodation:  
Saturday & Sunday, materials & meals through dinner, no overnight accommodation: 
Friday night extension (7 pm arrival for evening quiet time, no dinner)
     Double: add $50, Private: add $75

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cricut at the Resource Center

Ever try to cut perfect letters for your Stewardship or Advent bulletin board?  
What about all those stars you'd like to hang from the ceiling 
in your Sunday School room?  
Need to create tags for your church's Angel Tree?  
Or maybe some 10-inch high vinyl letters for special event signage?  
If so, you know how tedious this can be... 
and how difficult it can be to cut the pieces precisely!

The Resource Center can help!  Make an appointment with Donna Rae, load up your tote bag with the paper of your choice, and let's start cutting with Cricut®, the personal electronic cutter that allows you to get amazing creative results with the touch of a button.   

It's a snap, er, a chirp!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Equipping the Saints

Just one of the exciting workshops offered at the upcoming Equipping the Saints event:

Music in Reforned Worship
"What Pastors and Musicians
should know about each other
and are afraid to ask:
Moving beyond assumptions"

We will explore practices that in working effectively together
the pastor can help the musician think theologically  
and the music can help the pastor think musically
 to the benefit of the worshiping congregation

Presented by Alan Barthel and Ernest Gardner:

     Alan Barthel has been the Executive Director of PAM for the last ten years. Prior to that he was the St. Andrew Professor of Liturgy and Music at the University of Toronto. He is Past President of the North American Academy of Liturgy and currently secretary of the international liturgical society Societas Liturgica. For the PC(USA) he served on the Sacraments Committee and is an advisor to the committee working on the new hymnal.
     Ernest has been a minister member of PEVA since 2004. He first became aware of PAM as a graduate voice student at the University of North Texas while a member of Highland Park Presbyterian in Dallas, Texas. Since then he has been part of several conversations about what pastors and musicians should know about each other, but were afraid to ask ... until now.

Have you registered for Equipping the Saints yet?  It's on Saturday, November 6th, at First Presbyterian, Norfolk, beginning at 8:30am.  Take time to get your registration in this week, either online or in the mail.  The keynote speaker and workshop offerings are fantastic... you won't want to miss this event!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Still using VHS tapes?  Looking for some inspiration in curriculum samples from seasons past?  What about some well-circulated books on Christian education or preaching or faith development?  Stop by the Resource Center and 'adopt' some resources for your church!

Monday, September 13, 2010


web·i·nar  noun, often capitalized \ˈwe-bə-ˌnär\  a live online educational presentation during which participating viewers can submit questions and comments.  (from Merriam-Webster)

The PC (USA) website offers webinars on a variety of topics. 

The "God’s Mission Matters" webinars from Presbyterian World Mission give you the opportunity to be part of a live, interactive conversation once a month about how to engage more faithfully and effectively in God’s mission.  Global partners, mission workers, short-term mission leaders and mission participants are just some of the panelists you’ll find online in the webinars, talking about insightful and practical ways we can participate in mission.  

Here is information on a mission webinar offered this week:

 Hit the brakes!
Moving away from a problem-solving approach to mission
September 15, 2010 · 1-2 p.m. Eastern Time

      "As Christians, how are we invited into God’s mission of bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people? We are called to acts of compassion, but what does that look like? This Hit the brakes! webinar will explore what happens when we move towards partnership and accompaniment in God’s mission, recognizing that mission relationships with brothers and sisters near and far can be more important than a task accomplished or a problem fixed.
     Three experts will guide our conversation:
• Dr. Doug Tilton, PC(USA) mission co-worker and regional liaison for Southern Africa;
• The Rev. Wil Howie, founder and director of Living Waters for the World; and
• The Rev. Elizabeth McLean, associate pastor for mission and evangelism, Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas.
     Webinars are interactive forums where you’ll be able to “chime in” with questions, comments and stories. Join us on September 15 to take part in the conversation!"  Click here for more information and to register.

Other upcoming webinars include "Minneapolis to Washington!: Actions of the General Assembly and their Impact on Upcoming Legislation" offered on September 16th from the General Assembly Mission Council, Office of Public Witness; and "Earth Care Congregations and How ENERGY STAR Can Help" offered on October 6th from the GAMC Environmental Ministries.

Try a webinar...  it's educational, it's free, and it requires no travel!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Educators Luncheon

Fall is in the air, 
which means it's time for the Educators Luncheons to begin again! 
Thursday, October 7th
12:00 noon
Advent in Autumn 
  The Resource Center will welcome you with lots of 
new and classic Advent materials to check out, 
a chance to use the Cricut for cutting stars and angels and snowflakes, 
and a wonderful time of fellowship 
with Christian educators from around our Presbytery.  
Lunch, with a side of inspiration and encouragement, will be provided... 
all you need to do is RSVP before Monday, October 4th
to Donna Rae Barrow, Resource Center Director, 
397-7063, or  

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Resources!

New at the Resource Center... 

All-in-One Bible Fun - The perfect children's program for teachers on a budget or who are looking for a simpler approach. Packed with everything you need, lesson preparation will be a snap. Each book has 13 lessons with your choice of arrival activities, a Bible story, a Bible verse and a prayer, games and crafts, and reproducible pages all based on a clear message stated in words your children can understand. Children will explore Bible stories from new perspectives; develop a love for, and a relationship with, the Bible; come to know the Bible as THEIR book; learn and play together.

This series contains the following titles: Favorite Bible Stories, Heroes of the Bible, Stories of Jesus, and Fruit of the Spirit.  These titles are available for Preschool and for Elementary children.

Ready to Go: Missions - Whether a youth leader wants to take a youth group down the street or out of the country, the leader will find something in this book to help with the planning and programming of the trip. This is a very hands-on, practical handbook for anyone wanting to lead a mission trip.

Included are six short-term local projects and six week-long, greater-distance trips. Each mission includes project descriptions, destination ideas, travel and cost helps, small-group discussion guides, plans for following up after the trip, and suggestions for getting the whole church involved in the youth mission trip.

Samples and reproducible pages are included.
Ready to Go: Service Projects - This book explains to youth workers the theory behind service-learning, helps them identify meaningful but easy-to-do projects that will make a difference in their community, gives them practical tips on incorporating reflection and relationship-building into their service projects, and shows them how service-learning can change young lives.

This is a very practical, hands-on book filled with information about developing a "Service-Learning" environment with youth ministry. The second part entitled 'Readying Your Hands" includes Easy-to-use sessions that you can use for exploring the value of service, what Scripture has to say, what gifts each person in your group brings to service, as well as for understanding your group and beginning to explore the community. The third part in called "Hands in Action" and includes sample service project ideas, reflection questions, prayers, Scriptures, stories about youth in service, and resources for further study.

The fourth part includes reproducible pages to reinforce the "service-learning" idea.
Ready to Go: Devotions -  This book provides devotions for before, during, and after a mission trip or service project. The CD-ROM gives you all of the devotions in a digital format along with resources to help you create custom devotional books for your youth and their parents.

The topics include hospitality, cultural differences, evangelism, humility, sacrifice, homesickness, cultural differences, language barriers, and thanksgiving.

Each devotion ties together three elements: Scripture, the mission or service experience, and life back home. Students are challenged not just to read the devotions but also to respond to them through writing, reflection, and prayer. By working through the devotions, students should be able to think about their experiences and start their days better equipped for service.

Children First: Worshipping with the Family of God - This book is a how-to guide for family worship services designed specifically for children and their families. Within the worship service, the children have the opportunity to serve in leadership roles and creative elements such as art, drama, songs, storytelling, current events, poetry, and prayer reinforce a central theme while helping children connect with God.

The elements of worship include: Gathering and Prelude; Group Singing; Opening Prayer; Sign of the Day; Good News; Expression of Faith; Puppet Scripts; We Believe; Gloria Patri; Musical Call to Prayer; The Lord's Prayer; Musical Prayer Response; Teaching Moment; Offertory; Doxology; Benediction among other elements. There is a complete worship service for each month in the book as well as all the music on an included CD-ROM.

Barbara Bruce considers this book "a must-have for churches who want to nourish children in the faith."
We Believe curriculum samples on display, too!

Teach them to your children,
talking about them when you are at home and when you are away,
when you lie down and when you rise.
Deuteronomy 11:19

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Giving Garden at Yorkminster Presbyterian

Are you looking to feed the hungry by involving members of your church in a hands-on project?  Does your church have a little plot of grass that requires mowing and watering but serves no real purpose?  Let me share with you an inspiring story from Yorkminster...

In 2006, while co-pastor at Yorkminster Presbyterian Church, Jenny Russell and a small group of church members approached the Session about using the vacant field near the Fellowship Center to plant vegetables to give to low income families on the peninsula.  Jenny contacted LINK (Living Interfaith Network) in Newport News, to ask the director if there was a need for fresh vegetables.  The director, Lynne Finding, was thrilled at the prospect, and the YPC Giving Garden was born. 

Years one and two were filled with the hard work of turning very poor soil into  a productive garden, with load after load of compost spread and tilled in.  The first year's harvest was not worth mentioning, and the second year saw slightly better results, most of them consumed by local deer, geese, crows, and other varmints.  Year three has been amazing thus far!  Under the watchful eye of "the king of gardeners" Russ McMillen, we have been able to deliver several hundred bags (well over a thousand pounds) of vegetables to LINK and the Peninsula Food Bank.  Individuals and groups volunteer to pick and deliver the produce 2-3 days a week. 

We plant lettuce, spinach, collards, mustard greens, asparagus, onions, radishes, yellow squash, zucchini, butternut squash, okra, radishes, five varieties of tomatoes, bell peppers, banana peppers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, black-eyed peas, and two kinds of green beans.  We have tried to use "biologically sustainable" methods (synthetic pest control only when absolutely necessary).  The garden provides fresh food to people who often cannot afford to buy it.  It has been particularly helpful to a number of veterans  with diabetes, who cannot eat canned vegetables because of the high sodium content.  Best of all, it allows us to fulfill Jesus' teaching in Matthew 25:  "I was hungry and you gave me food..."  in a  physical and personal way.  The Giving Garden has given us far more than it has required!